Rabu, 10 Agustus 2022

Pengenalan Web Browser

 Pengertian Web Browser dan Contohnya

Pengertian Web Browser - Kita semua tentunya pernah melakukan browsing mencari-cari informasi atau barang kali hanya sekedar membuka facebook. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini penulis ingin mengulas mengenai pengertian web browser yang akan disertai contoh aplikasi web browser yang saat ini populer.

Web Browser atau dalam bahasa indonesia peramban web merupakan software yang mempunyai fungsi menampilkan halaman sebuah website. Sedangkan pengertian web browser menurut wikipedia "perangkat lunak yang berfungsi menampilkan dan melakukan interaksi dengan dokumen-dokumen yang disediakan oleh server web" .

Salah satu contoh web browser yang populer saat ini ialah Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome dan Internet Explorer, berdasarkan hasil survei yang saya kutip dari halaman situs w3schools.comGoogle Chrome merupakan browser yang terpopuler yaitu 44.1 %, Mozilla Firefox 32.2 %, Internet Exploler 16.4 %, Safari 4.2 % dan Opera 2.1 %.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2022

Content Management System (CMS)


Content Management System

Magento could be a strong and intensely ascendable, open source E-commerce platform. If you would like an E-commerce site with tons of or maybe thousands of product – Magento ought to be the best selection of your E-commerce platform. The Magento E-commerce system has been wide adopted by online merchants with over 250,000 sites far-famed to use it at the start of 2013. These web sites vary from smaller ecommerce websites to massive transnational businesses.

As a web development company we work with all CMS platform. Magento development is one of the important parts of us. We make it as a point to create quality website by focusing your expectations and goals. We turn your business aspirations and objectives into a web quality that makes a long-lasting, positive impression to your users as well as your customers. We build a unique design according to your preferences and change that into a functional Magento and then modify Magento.

Magento E-commerce platform is very powerful, user friendly and acceptable with a lot of reporting traits and advanced E-commerce functionality. It has a successful graphical background that inspires you to maintain your online store very easily. It also has a lot of sophisticated features to add product photos and it allows many usual payment gateways by default. Magento CMS able to manage approximately any kind of E-commerce site.

Magento is most appropriate for a big online store which has over 100 products and requires complex functionality. Magento is full open source as well as it has a very dynamic community that has shared huge free but high quality plug-ins and add-ons to meet any kind of Ecommerce necessities. This enables us to cut the cost of your online store development and turnaround time very significantly.

A CMS has following Important Rolls:

  • It has an automated template which can be used straight for existing content or new content.
  • It serves to manage access authority by the endorsing user groups.
  • Offers facility to develop single implementation throughout several domains.
  • Separates contents from the visual management of a site, and makes it quite easier to manage and edit.
  • Includes plug-ins which helps to continue the functionality of the website.
  • Contains the trait of standard upgrades.
  • Helps to deal the progress.
  • Act as a structure where content may be worked and retrieved individually or by various authorized users.
  • Content appearing is possible with Content Management System wherein user can act upon the virtual copy of a website.
  • It is able to show the content in many languages.

Pengenalan Web Browser

  Pengertian Web Browser dan Contohnya Pengertian Web Browser  - Kita semua tentunya pernah melakukan browsing mencari-cari informasi atau b...